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Desired End Load
Regular price $124.99 USD
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   Juno Athletics  12.5 " MR-1 BP-300 Bat. These BP-300 MR-1's are designed for you the player to have a bat you can use for batting practice. Thus prolonging the life of your game ready bats. The BP-300 assures you to have the same swing and feel as your game bats. 

   The revolutionary Advanced Carbon Composite barrel combined with an ergonomic Ultra-Thin Handle allows for the smoothest swings. The UTH38 is perfect combination between our flex and stiff handle.  Allowing for extreme precision through the swing plane.

    The BP-300 MR-1 is offered in 5 different weight distributions: Balanced, 1/4oz end load, 1/2oz end load, 3/4oz end load, and a full 1oz end load. The end load is added on top of the natural bat weight (i.e. 26 with 1/2oz end load will weigh ~26.5oz). These MR-1's are manufactured for BP and have no stamps and are NOT permitted for game use. These are being sold AS-IS with No Warranty !!

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